
Get information about all of our products


Name Type Description
id_product integer Unique product identification
language string Linked to resource localization. Default: en (English)
name string Name of product
short_description string Short description of product (html)
description string Description of product (html)
id_manufacturer integer Unique identification of the manufacturer resource
manufacturer_name string Name of the manufacturer
reference string Unique Rimba reference. Sizes are indicated with a '.' (dot)
quantity integer Current numeric stock of this product
stock string Current textual stock of this product. Available: no_stock, low_stock, in_stock
ean13 integer Barcode (EAN13) of the product
price string Regular wholesale price for this product (no discounts included)
rrp_price string Recommended Retail Price (R.R.P) price for this product
weight string Weight of product, indicated in grams
attributes string Attributes of product, e.g. size
state string Current state of this product. Available: inactive, active, discontinued, coming-soon
link string Direct link to our website
features array Features of product
images array Array with URI's to product images
reduction object Object with reductions (discounts) of product
‐ from_quantity integer Minimum quantity for this discount to be applied
‐ reduction_type string Type of discount: fixed or percentage
‐ reduction string Discount amount
‐ reduced_price string Product price with discount applied
‐ from datetime Starting date for discount
‐ to datetime Ending date for discount

Get all products

With this call, you will only get the active, non discontinued, products.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "id_product": 1, "language": "en", "name": "Rimba - Product Name", "short_description": "Rimba - Short Description", "description": <p><h1>Product Description</h1></p>, "id_manufacturer": 1, "manufacturer_name": "Amorable by Rimba", "reference": "1000.1", "quantity": 0, "stock": "no_stock", "ean13": 8718900000001, "price": "8.000000", "rrp_price": "21.950000", "weight": "0.320", "attributes": "Size: S", "state": "active", "link": "" "features": { "Size": "200 ml", "Weight": "0.320", "Color": "red;black" }, "images": [ "", "" ], "reduction": { "from_quantity": 1, "reduction_type": "percentage", "reduction": "23.000000", "reducted_price": "6.160000", "from": "2020-06-30 00:00:00", "to": "2299-12-31 00:00:00" } }, { "id_product": 2, "language": "en", "name": "Rimba - Product Name", "short_description": "Rimba - Short Description", "description": <p><h1>Product Description</h1></p>, "id_manufacturer": 1, "manufacturer_name": "Amorable by Rimba", "reference": "1000.2", "quantity": 0, "stock": "no_stock", "ean13": 8718900000002, "price": "8.000000", "rrp_price": "21.950000", "weight": "0.320", "attributes": "Size: M", "state": "active", "link": "" "features": { "Size": "200 ml", "Weight": "0.320", "Color": "red;black" }, "images": [ "", "" ], "reduction": { "from_quantity": 1, "reduction_type": "percentage", "reduction": "23.000000", "reducted_price": "6.160000", "from": "2020-06-30 00:00:00", "to": "2299-12-31 00:00:00" } }, ]
This endpoint uses pagination with pages of 500 results.

Get a single product

With this call, you will only get a single product by its reference or EAN13 (barcode).

HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "id_product": 1, "language": "en", "name": "Rimba - Product Name", "short_description": "Rimba - Short Description", "description": <p><h1>Product Description</h1></p>, "id_manufacturer": 1, "manufacturer_name": "Amorable by Rimba", "reference": "1000.1", "quantity": 0, "stock": "no_stock", "ean13": 8718900000001, "price": "8.000000", "rrp_price": "21.950000", "weight": "0.320", "attributes": "Size: S", "state": "active", "link": "" "features": { "Size": "200 ml", "Weight": "0.320", "Color": "red;black" }, "images": [ "", "" ], "reduction": { "from_quantity": 1, "reduction_type": "percentage", "reduction": "23.000000", "reducted_price": "6.160000", "from": "2020-06-30 00:00:00", "to": "2299-12-31 00:00:00" } }, ]

Get discontinued products

With this call, you will only get the discontinued products.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "id_product": 1, "language": "en", "name": "Rimba - Product Name", "short_description": "Rimba - Short Description", "description": <p><h1>Product Description</h1></p>, "id_manufacturer": null, "manufacturer_name": "", "reference": "1000.1", "quantity": 0, "stock": "no_stock", "ean13": 8718900000001, "price": "8.000000", "rrp_price": "21.950000", "weight": "0.320", "attributes": "Size: S", "state": "discontinued", "link": "" "features": { "Size": "200 ml", "Weight": "0.320", "Color": "red;black" }, "images": [ "", "" ], "reduction": { "from_quantity": 1, "reduction_type": "percentage", "reduction": "23.000000", "reducted_price": "6.160000", "from": "2020-06-30 00:00:00", "to": "2299-12-31 00:00:00" } }, ]
This endpoint uses pagination with pages of 500 results.

Get our coming soon products

With this call, you will only get the products that are coming soon to our assortment.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "id_product": 1, "language": "en", "name": "Rimba - Product Name", "short_description": "Rimba - Short Description", "description": <p><h1>Product Description</h1></p>, "id_manufacturer": 1, "manufacturer_name": "Amorable by Rimba", "reference": "1000.1", "quantity": 0, "stock": "no_stock", "ean13": 8718900000001, "price": "8.000000", "rrp_price": "21.950000", "weight": "0.320", "attributes": "Size: S", "state": "coming-soon", "link": "" "features": { "Size": "200 ml", "Weight": "0.320", "Color": "red;black" }, "images": [ "", "" ], "reduction": { "from_quantity": 1, "reduction_type": "percentage", "reduction": "23.000000", "reducted_price": "6.160000", "from": "2020-06-30 00:00:00", "to": "2299-12-31 00:00:00" } }, ]
This endpoint uses pagination with pages of 500 results.