
Get real-time information about your orders or place them


Name Type Required Description
id_order integer   Unique order identification
reference string   Unique Rimba order reference
status string   State of the order.
Available: pending, processing, completed
customer_code integer   Your Rimba customer code
payment_method string required Chosen payment method.
Available: banktransfer, creditcard, paypal, on_account
shipping_method string required Chosen shipping method:
Available: standard, express, pickup
order_total decimal   Order total
items_total integer   Total amount of items for this order
purchase_reference string optional If supplied; the purchase order reference
notes string optional A note supplied with this order
created timestamp   Order created timestamp
delivery_address object   The delivery address
‐ id_address string required* The address' unique identifier
‐ alias string required* The address book alias
‐ company_name string optional The delivery address company name
‐ firstname string required* The delivery address first name
‐ lastname string required* The delivery address last name
‐ address1 string required* The delivery address first line
‐ address2 string optional The delivery address second line
‐ postcode string optional The delivery address postcode
‐ city string required* The delivery address city
‐ country string required* The delivery country ISO code
‐ other string optional The delivery address addition
‐ phone string optional The delivery address phone number
invoice_address object   The invoice address
‐ id_address string required* The address' unique identifier
‐ alias string required* The address book alias
‐ company_name string optional The invoice address company name
‐ firstname string required* The invoice address first name
‐ lastname string required* The invoice address last name
‐ address1 string required* The invoice address first line
‐ address2 string optional The invoice address second line
‐ postcode string optional The invoice address postcode
‐ city string required* The invoice address city
‐ country string required* The invoice country ISO code
‐ other string optional The invoice address addition
‐ phone string optional The invoice address phone number
items array   The ordered items
‐ id_product integer   The unique identifier of the product
‐ name string   The product name
‐ ean13 string   The product ean13 (barcode)
‐ reference string required The product reference
‐ image_link URI   The product image link (cover)
‐ attributes string   The product attributes.
e.g.: Size: S or Size: XL
‐ quantity integer required The ordered quantity
‐ price string   The product unit price without discount
‐ reduction_percentage string   If applied; the reduction percentage for this product
‐ reduction_amount string   If applied; the reduction amount for this product
‐ unit_price string   The product unit price with discount
‐ total_price string   The total product price with discount

*) These fields are required, but if an id_address is provided, we will copy these fields from the address object. Leave id_address empty or null to process the other address fields

Get all your placed orders

With this call, you will get all orders based on your customer number.
Addresses and order items are displayed only when retrieving a single order.

GET https://beta.rimba.eu/api/v1/orders
HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "id_order": 43002, "reference": "43002", "status": "pending", "customer_code": 10001, "payment_method": "banktransfer", "shipping_method": "express", "order_total": 7.21, "items_total": 1, "purchase_reference": "API-DOCS-001", "notes": "Please add this to order 43001", "created": "2024-03-14T13:39:50.000000Z" }, { "id_order": 43001, "reference": "43001", "status": "pending", "customer_code": 10001, "payment_method": "creditcard", "shipping_method": "express", "order_total": 2500.00, "items_total": 20, "purchase_reference": "API-DOCS-001", "notes": null, "created": "2024-03-14T12:22:21.000000Z" }, ]
This endpoint uses pagination with pages of 1000 results.

Get a single order by its reference

With this call, you will get all the order information including items and addresses

GET https://beta.rimba.eu/api/v1/orders/{reference}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "id_order": 43001, "reference": "43001", "status": "pending", "customer_code": 10001, "payment_method": "creditcard", "shipping_method": "express", "order_total": 2500.00, "items_total": 20, "purchase_reference": "API-DOCS-001", "notes": null, "created": "2024-03-14T12:22:21.000000Z", "delivery_address": { "id_address": 12000, "alias": "Rimba HQ", "company_name": "Rimba B.V.", "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "address1": "Moskesbaan 10", "address2": null, "postcode": "4823AH", "city": "Breda", "country": "NL", "other": "", "phone": "+31(0)765414484" }, "invoice_address": { "id_address": 12001, "alias": "Rimba HQ", "company_name": "Rimba B.V.", "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "address1": "Moskesbaan 10", "address2": null, "postcode": "4823AH", "city": "Breda", "country": "NL", "other": "", "phone": "+31(0)765414484" }, "items": [ { "id_product": 1001, "name": "Rimba - Amorable by Rimba Product", "ean13": "1000000000001", "reference": "1001", "image_link": "https://cdn.rimba-dev.nl/images/1001/rimba-amorable-by-rimba-product.jpg", "attributes": null, "quantity": 20, "price": "147.058824", "reduction_percentage": "15.00", "reduction_amount": "0.000000", "unit_price": "125.000000", "total_price": "2500.000000" } ] } ]

Create a new order

With this call, you will create an order for your customer account.

POST https://beta.rimba.eu/api/v1/orders
{ "payment_method": "creditcard", // must be one of: banktransfer, creditcard, paypal, on_account "shipping_method": "express", // must be one of: standard, express, pickup "purchase_reference": "PO-12345", "notes": "Please ship this order today", "delivery_address": { "alias": "My delivery address", "company_name": "Delivery Company Name", "firstname": "Delivery", "lastname": "Address", "address1": "Invoice address 1", "address2": null, "postcode": "1234 AB", "city": "Delivery", "country": "NL", "other": null, "phone": "+31(0)765414484" }, "invoice_address": { "id_address": 12362, }, "items": [ { "reference":10045, "quantity":11 }, { "reference":10052, "quantity":2 }, { "reference":10064, "quantity":1 }, { "reference":10077, "quantity":1 } ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created [ { "id_order": 44615, "reference": "W44615", "status": "pending", "customer_code": 11544, "payment_method": "creditcard", "shipping_method": "express", "order_total": 50.000000, "items_total": 3, "purchase_reference": "PO-12345", "notes": "Please ship this order today", "created": "2024-05-23T11:39:04.000000Z", "delivery_address": { "id_address": 12361, "alias": "My delivery address", "company_name": "Delivery Company Name", "firstname": "Delivery", "lastname": "Address", "address1": "Invoice address 1", "address2": null, "postcode": "1234 AB", "city": "Delivery", "other": null, "phone": "+31(0)765414484" }, "invoice_address": { "id_address": 12362, "alias": "Invoice address", "company_name": "Invoice Company Name", "firstname": "Invoice", "lastname": "Address", "address1": "Invoice address 1", "address2": null, "postcode": "1234 AB", "city": "Invoice", "other": null, "phone": "+31(0)765414484" }, "items": [ { "id_product": 4474, "name": "Rimba Toys - Paris - Apple-Shaped Kegel Ball - Purple", "ean13": "8718924239575", "reference": "2501", "image_link": "https://cdn.rimba-dev.nl/images/2501/rimba-paris-kegel-ball_02.jpg", "attributes": null, "quantity": 2, "price": "10.000000", "reduction_percentage": "0.00", "reduction_amount": "0.000000", "unit_price": "10.000000", "total_price": "20.000000" }, { "id_product": 4, "name": "Amorable by Rimba - Lovely Nighdress with G-String - Black", "ean13": "8718924220047", "reference": "1009.6", "image_link": "https://cdn.rimba-dev.nl/images/1009.6/amorable-by-rimba-lovely-nighdress-with-g-string-black_01.jpg", "attributes": "Size: XL", "quantity": 1, "price": "30.000000", "reduction_percentage": "0.00", "reduction_amount": "0.000000", "unit_price": "30.000000", "total_price": "30.000000" } ] } ],